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Typescript: advanced

This page assumes you've already read the overview on Using Vue with TypeScript, Essentials and Components in-Depth.


Components are hard to fully understand, even when reading the source-code or looking for examples. This section will explain more advanced topics and some use cases for some of the API's.

What's a component in typescript?

For what's a component please check Components Basics

For the examples we will be using defineComponent, it makes it easier to explain, same concepts are valid for Single-File Components.

const Comp = defineComponent({
  /* ... */

In terms of typing Vue components are mainly composed by 3 parts:


Used to declare the component's props, emits, slots, etc. It can also be a function.

  props: {
    msg: String
  emits: {
    clicked: (msg: string) => true
  methods: {
    onClick() {
      this.$emit('clicked', this.msg)


ComponentPublicInstance, retuned by ComponentInstance,

const Comp = defineComponent({
  props: {
    msg: String
  emits: {
    clicked: (msg: string) => true
  methods: {
    onClick() {
      // this.msg is typed as string
      this.$emit('clicked', this.msg)

const compEl = ref<InstanceType<typeof Comp>>()

compEl.value.msg //string
compEl.value.onClick // function


Contract to render the component, eg: props and slots.

In this example we will use h;

const Comp = defineComponent({
  props: {
    msg: String
  emits: {
    clicked: (msg: string) => true
  methods: {
    onClick() {
      // this.msg is typed as string
      this.$emit('clicked', this.msg)

// the second argument is the render contract.
h(Comp, {
  msg: 'hello',
  onClick: () => {
    // button clicked


Instance and Render are pretty much the same, the main difference being Instance will set $props with default properties as not optional, while Render will set default $props as optional.

const Comp = defineComponent({
  props: {
    foo: {
      type: String,
      default: 'foo'
  render() {

// valid because foo=string | undefined
;<Comp foo={undefined}></Comp>

defineComponent Advanced

defineComponent, will accept component Options + Instance and return Render + Options.

If you check the defineComponent source-code, you'll find there's a lot of generics and overloads, the reason for this is to make the API as flexible as possible, since Vue is very flexible in terms of declarations.

Generics parameters

DefineComponent generic order is pretty stable, but it's not guaranteed to be the same in future versions, the reason is because it needs to support the full Vue behavior (eg: Mixins/Extends), so it's recommended to use the more stable helper DeclareComponent instead.

type DefineComponent<
  PropsOrPropOptions = any,
  RawBindings = any,
  D = any,
  C extends ComputedOptions = ComputedOptions,
  M extends MethodOptions = MethodOptions,
  Mixin extends ComponentOptionsMixin = {},
  Extends extends ComponentOptionsMixin = {},
  E extends EmitsOptions = {},
  EE extends string = string,
  PP = PublicProps,
  Props = ResolveProps<PropsOrPropOptions, E>,
  Defaults = ExtractDefaultPropTypes<PropsOrPropOptions>,
  I extends ComponentInjectOptions = any,
  II extends string = string,
  S extends SlotsType = any,
  Options extends Record<PropertyKey, any> = {},
  • PropsOrPropOptions: Props definition.
  • RawBindings: setup return type.
  • D: data return type.
  • C: computed object.
  • M: methods object.
  • Mixin: mixins union type (MixinA | MixinB)[].
  • Extends: extends type.
  • E: emits object, if object declaration is used.
  • EE: emits string union type, if string is used.
  • PP: PublicProps, contains class, style, VNode specific props and ComponentCustomProps.
  • Props: Sanitised props, these are PropsOrPropOptions but with the resolved type.
  • Defaults: defaulted props
  • I: inject object, if object declaration is used.
  • II: inject string union type, if string is used.
  • S: slots object.
  • Options: Unaltered Options object used to define the component.


Returned from defineComponent, has Options, Render and Instance information about the component.

Bespoke defineComponent

Vue options are very hard to get the correct type, sometimes defineComponent is not enough and creating a bespoke defineComponent can be useful for some more advance cases, such as @vue/test-utils mount method.

For that use case we recommend using the utilities DefineComponentOptions & DefineComponentFromOptions.

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